Wednesday 20 March 2013

Beauty wants!

Hey everyone,

Decided to do a new kind of post and this is going to be beauty and make-up related, mainly what I am wanting at the minute.

My first ever beauty wants post coincides with releasing more Essie nail polishes onto their website, I LOVE this website!

I have bought things from them previously so I am a big fan and today my post is a collection of my favourite Essie varnishes that they currently have in stock, so here you are...

First we have Super Bossa which is a hot pink colour with a slight shimmer to it, I love the brightness of the colour and think it is a great colour for Summer.

Next is All Tied Up, probably my favourite of the four I have chosen, it is like a dark-ish pink with lots of shimmer in but it isn't garish so it would look great whenever you wear it.

Flawless is a baby pink nail varnish and I think this is again another great daytime nail varnish because it's quite simple but it is a lovely shade.

Lastly, we have Mojito which is a stunning shade of green! It would have looked great on St. Paddy's day on Sunday, to me it's also a very summery colour and it would look great with a tan.

That's all for today's beauty wants, I hope you liked the colours I picked and let me know if you have any of them!

Bye for now :)


Saturday 9 March 2013

A short story (written by me)

Hello again :D

Two posts in one day I hear you say, it can't be! I'm spoiling you all today... Anyways, here is a short story I have written, it's for my university Creative Writing lesson but I wanted to share it. I hope you enjoy reading it.

(ps. It's flash fiction and had to be about 500 words long)


She stood with her nose pressed against the glass case, a small finger pointed at the animal inside and a look of confusion on her face.

“Daddy, what is that?”

She was pointing at a small otter which was floating on its back in the pool in its enclosure. I crouched down next to her and she looked up at me expectantly, her eyes were wide and her brow was furrowed in concentration.

“It’s an otter.”

“Oh okay. A boy or a girl?”

She turned back to look at the other while I looked at the small silver plaque on the glass case and read it aloud to her.

“This is Oliver, he is a 5-year-old male otter.”

“I like him.”

She smiled and pushed her nose up against the glass, her breath causing a small circle of condensation. She knocked on the glass and waved at the otter that was still drifting around the pool.

“Hello Oliver.”

She sighed.

“Where is Mummy? I think she would like Oliver.”

I looked at her and her big, green eyes studied my face, she looked just like her mother. It was a sunny day but I felt cold and full of dread.


I tried to think of an excuse. My thoughts were interrupted when I spotted a Policeman a few hundred yards in front of me. I stood up and held out my hand and she took it.

“Mummy is sick today, she had to stay at home remember?”

She sighed and looked at the ground.


It was a mistake for me to think the zoo would be busy today; there were no crowds to hide amongst just a few innocent people strolling along and peering into the different animal enclosures. No-one else was here trying to hide.

We left the zoo.

“Do we have to go Daddy?”

“Yes sweetheart, I’m sorry.”

I could tell she was disappointed because she kept slowing down and turning to face the gates that we were walking away from.

We walked to the car and I helped her into her car seat before getting in myself, I put my hands on the wheel and closed my eyes thinking where I could go from here.

I felt like a rebellious teen running away from home but with more guilt and fear.

I opened my eyes.

My phone vibrated in my coat pocket, I hesitated praying it was a text and not a phone call. I reached for it and saw the small blue light flashing, phew, just a text.

It was from my brother; I clicked on the unread message and wondered if he knew.

“What’s going on, Angie just rang me, where the fuck are you?!”


There was a picture attached to the message, I clicked open and waited for the image to load.
It was a CCTV image showing a middle-aged man holding hands with a small girl.

There was a thud as my phone fell onto the car floor.

“Daddy, what’s wrong?”


Lent update and current thoughts...

Hello everyone!

I hope you are all enjoying March, it has arrived so quickly don't you think?

Just wanted to do a post on how I'm doing with my Lent promise and just a general chat about what is going on.

I am still alcohol free - I am impressed with myself as I usually have ZERO willpower to keep myself going when I am giving something up. In that time I have had a few nights out and they were actually much better than drunken nights out and I spend less money on buying alcohol, win win situation really... I am considering not drinking for the foreseeable future after lent because I like the feeling of being in control because alcohol really does make me a bit giddy! I never end up in a heap being sick but I stumble a bit and when you are 6 ft tall it's hard to conceal a little trip as your limbs flail in all directions...

How are you getting on with Lent? Have you managed to keep up your will power? Let me know :)

Moving on... I am going to try and be healthier, I always say this to myself and never do it but I really want to stop eating so much rubbish and start doing more exercise to be a bit kinder to my body.

If you have any tips, recipes, forms of exercise or ANYTHING you'd like to share then please do, I'd love a bit of advice as I have never tried to lose weight and get fit before.

Also, if you would just like to chat please contact me I love getting to know people and just talking :)

Stay happy and well!


Monday 11 February 2013


Two posts in one day, I am a new woman!

Hopefully I can keep this up...

What I wanted to ask bloggers was whether anyone else will be giving something up for Lent. I usually give up chocolate and have done for the past few years and yes I usually fail... So, this year I am going to give up alcohol. 

I am feeling very positive about this and hopefully all the money I save can be spent on something more worthwhile. (Clothes and make-up, duh).

Add a comment and let me know what you are giving up for Lent!


Hello hello

Hi Bloggers,

Hope you are all well. As promised here is the podcast for my interview with Fiona Leighton of Particle Press and the Thousand Paper Cranes for

Hope you enjoy it, Fiona was a lovely to talk to and she has some beautiful products so make sure you check her out!

Let me know what you think :)

Much Love X

Monday 28 January 2013

I am utterly hopeless but here's something exciting!

I have failed you all again bloggers, my resolution to blog more has clearly not gone to plan. I will keep trying though, I promise... 

Just thought I'd write a little post on my current goings on, I have been interning at for a while now and I am to interview my first designer hopefully this week!

I am very nervous but looking forward to it very much, I will be interviewing Fiona Leighton of Particle Press and the Thousand Paper Cranes and I shall post a link to the interview as soon as I get it all uploaded etc.

Make sure to check out they have some amazing British designers and lots of home made goodies to look at and also look at to check out their beautiful printed items, the little notepads and cards are the cutest!

Much love bloggers X

Friday 2 November 2012

The highs and lows of being tall

As a girl whose friends have an average height of about 5'6/5'7, it is easy to stand-out when you instead stand tall at 6'0. So, those who like me stand at least a head above their friends can understand the constant battles of being tall, sure enough there are positives to being this height but there is also a downside.

I shall start off with the negatives...

1. Clothes shopping

Like most of the female population (sorry for stereotyping), shopping is something I find hard to resist and I always have my eye on bargains and to-die-for items of clothing. However, finding clothes when you're my height and build can often be a struggle. The main problem is finding clothes which are actually in proportion with my body, I am far from a stick thin model physique so I am very picky on buying something unless I am 100% sure of it. Finding the right leg length is possibly THE most irritating task on the planet for me, with an inside leg of 35 inches you can understand why. Sure, a lot of high street shops like Topshop, New Look and Dorothy Perkins provide a tall range, but in my opinion they are often disappointing.  Especially now New Look's tall range is only online so say for example you order some jeans, they arrive and they don't fit, you have to go through all of the fuss of sending them back simply because you can't try them before you buy them.

Topshop's range is an improvement and I do praise them for the variety they provide however, I am a student and buying clothes is already something I can rarely do due to lack of funds, so when jeans with the correct leg length cost £40 I simply cry at my bank balance and do without. I own one pair of Topshop jeans but I managed to rip the crotch, I have no idea how, so they hang forever in my wardrobe because I can't face throwing them out...

Dorothy Perkins offers a few good items, I have a nice dress I got for £20 (thanks NUS discount), and a pair of jeans but, their range is also a little bit...scarce. For example, at home in Newcastle there is probably one rail dedicated to us tall girls and I find that colour seems to be lacking from the range too, look on the website the majority of the first page is black...

Other than leg length, it's hard to buy tops or dresses with waistlines as my torso is a lot longer than most girls. For example, if I tried on a peplum top, I would just look like I have shrunk my clothing in the tumble dryer as the waist falls just under my bust. Not a flattering look.

2. Boys, boys, boys...

Being taller than the majority of the male population definitely has its drawbacks and this is one of them, if I like someone they are pretty much always taller than me as going with a shorter guy is just not my cup of tea, personal preference that's all. I don't see the attraction in fetching the yellow pages for a boy to stand on just so we can see eye to eye. From my experience so far, it is much harder than expected trying to find someone who is actually taller than you when you are touching the 6ft bar, and when shorter guys take interest I find myself cringing and wishing I could shrink a few inches so I could stop hunching over to be able to hear what they are saying.

3. Other things

My final negative is to do with myself personally, I am quite a shy and often awkward person so being tall it is quite difficult to hide away as most people can see your head above the crowd. I also hate being the centre of attention so when people remark saying "you're really tall", I'd like to reply back with something witty but instead I just blush a shade of crimson and accept their idiotic remarks, I have noticed that I'm tall, no need to point it out fool.

The positives

1. Gigs and Festivals

Now, being tall is definitely handy when you're at a gig or a festival because you get the best view! Few heads block your ability to see the stage and even from the back us tall people get a great view of everything going on in front of us. However, it isn't handy when people are drunk and rowdy and cups of stale beer and warm piss start flying around the crowd as they often hit us first and yes, I am speaking from experience here.

2. Not suffering the pain of heels

I do feel a little sad sometimes when I see a beautiful pair of heels but can't wear them because I feel a little too self-conscious to add another 6 inches to my height, I wear flats pretty much all of the time and I am glad as they are comfy and I can still stand tall while my friends complain about how much their feet are hurting. Also, it does get a little tedious bending down to hear what people have to say so thats why I gave up on heels a while ago and settled for numerous pairs of cute flats instead.

So overall, although there are negatives to being tall and in this post they seem to outweigh the positives, I am glad that I'm tall because if I wasn't then I probably wouldn't be me. So if you stand at 6'0 like me or even taller, just embrace it because a lot of people are jealous of all that extra leg we have!

Till next time,

Abby : )